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Chapter 1: Introduction to Atlantis

It seems that lately most of the people I have done readings for have been involved in Atlantis in one way or another. That is, they all spent some time in that culture in some role or another. (I am calling it Atlantis for lack of a better name; by Atlantis, I mean an ancient civilization with technology that was on par with and in some ways exceeded our own, and was quite different from our current one.)

Now, I don't even need to be psychic to know what some people might be thinking at this point. For those of you who are certain there never was an ancient civilization by any name, and who still believe, despite mounting scientific evidence to the contrary, that humanity pulled itself up by the bootstraps from the Stone Age to the Egyptian Pyramids in 5,000 years, even if you accept the most conservative age estimates for the Pyramids, I recommend that you not read further, because what I am about to say will only annoy you. Stay, though, if it will amuse you. I don't mind amusing others at my own expense.

Having said the caveat, I want to say what this post is about. I am going to summarize, not just in this post but in several, some of the information I have received about Atlantis--its origin, its technology, its culture, its location, and its demise. After or while covering the information I have received, I will also provide links to other Web sites and to books that are of interest.

Some of this information I will be sharing has been gathered from my own memories of being in Atlantis (and I will say that I was initially startled by these memories--I didn't even used to believe in reincarnation). Some is from psychically getting the information directly. Some is from doing readings for others and, as I was doing the readings, I would get much new and interesting information about Atlantis through "looking" at the readee's past life or lives there. (Let me hasten to add that any information I share from a reading is (A) not identifiable with the readee in any way and (B) shared ONLY with the readee's permission.)

I am not sure at this point why I have gotten so much information on Atlantis recently, or why it is that I feel more interested in it, where before it was not a topic of interest to me. However, I have been feeling "nudged" to share this information through my Web site, so I will trust that somehow, in some way, this informaiton serves those reading it, or serves a greater purpose in the Universe that I wot not.

So, without further ado, I conclude this post. Look for the next Atlantis post soon! (And yes, I am still working on the course...)


Hello Marina,
I have a question for you. Have you come across a connection between Atlantis and the Essense? I would like a responce if possible.

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