Table of Contents for the Atlantean Articles

As mentioned in the previous article, The Origins of Atlantis, Atlantis as a civilization already existed on this planet before the arrival of the alien visitors. However, the arrival of the alien visitors, who to a certain extent, with the permission of the Atlanteans, also became colonists, provided a new source of information and nudged the Atlantean civilization off its original path and into a new direction. One might say that an organic, native-to-the-planet civilization was altered just enough by the influx of alien ideas and notions that the inevitable outcome was that the civilization as it was had to come to an end. We will discuss reasons for the end of the Atlantean civilization later.

Prior to the arrival of the aliens, Atlanteans were more interested in local issues and were not as interested in global concerns. They knew they were on a planet, and they were able to travel about and visit other places, but any given Atlantean or group of Atlanteans was much more rooted to one particular place or geographic locality. They were, as mentioned, very nature oriented. The Druidic schools in Britain—not the sorry tatters that some modern-day Druids think they have reconstructed, but the real thing, which was quite different (remind me someday and I will give you more information about the Druids)—those Druid schools were perhaps the closest in feeling and belief to what the early Atlanteans were like before the alien touchdown.

Atlantean Culture through Architecture

It is almost a truism in archaeology that one can tell a lot about a civilization by how they construct their buildings—not just the building techniques, of course, which tell much about the available technologies and tools, but also the form of those buildings, the way interior space is used, and so on.

The Atlanteans were very much in touch with nature. It is amusing to me that they loved hot baths, though the way they created them was to take solid rock near natural hot springs and shape and mold the rock to create bath houses. Sometimes, too, they worked, very carefully, with the forces of the earth to bring heat closer to the surface so as to create the environment for hot springs to occur. This was always done with respect for the totality of the surrounding environment, and only in areas where it seemed okay to do so. One of these hot spots was in the northern part of South America, though when I was writing this information, I did not know of any hot springs or hot spots anywhere in South America. A quick Google revealed that there are several hot springs areas, such as in Bolivia and Peru. I'm not surprised that my psychic information is correct—I am a fairly decent psychic, after all. :-)

The Atlantean bathhouse in northern South America was of shaped and smoothed solid-grained rock, perhaps some kind of grey granite, with huge rounded shoulders of stone and a small set of corridors leading from east to west, then south into the roofed interior. The roof was also made of the same stone and, in some bathhouses, was part of the same block of stone. This particular bathhouse was segregated, and there was one mirroring its orientation, but it doesn't look to me, intuitively, as though the other bathhouse survived the upheaval of the lands that took place later.

In shaping the stone, the Atlanteans would run their hands over it and use a combination of their own wills and the energy and cooperativeness of the stone to create the shapes they desired. The shapes never violated the natural abilities of the stone, but instead were the kinds of shapes that the stone could take if shaped by wind and water and other natural forces. This is one reason why it is difficult to spot Atlantean architecture, as much of it, though eerily regular, could easily be explained as the result of natural forces.

The method of shaping the stone is an important fact to take in: Everything the Atlanteans did, they did out of a profound respect for and concern about the things they were working with. It wasn't so much an awareness of the consciousness within the stone as it was a fundamental awareness of integrity at all levels, and how whatever is created or shaped must come out of and honor integrity. Anything else violated the Atlantean sensibilities at a profound level. It was almost as impossible for an Atlantean to do something that violated the integrity of anything as it would be for the sun not to rise in the morning. Though it could happen, and sometimes did.

Later, the Atlanteans took to cutting out large to massive blocks of stone, some of which we still could not lift today with existing technology, as they used an infusion of new technology from the alien visitors. These later works of architecture are recognizable as buildings made by humans, but are usually misattributed to later civilizations—sometimes many thousands of years after their initial creation. Which is in part understandable, as these buildings would last long past the normal expected time because of the honor and respect with which they were created, and because of the Atlantean's ability to "fuse" the living stone together using a kind of singing so that a violet energy infused the stones and created an inviolate whole, energy-wise.

This singing was used to fuse the Great Pyramids, with a small group of singers from the temple going into a chamber beneath each pyramid and singing. The sound resonated throughout the pyramid, due in part to the resonant nature of the stone itself, in part to the harmonies being sung, and in part to the construction of the pyramids, which enhanced sound. As the resonances penetrated into the stone of the blocks forming the pyramids, there was a kind of electromagnetic effect that caused the stones to fuse together. I cannot entirely explain this, but being one of these pyramid singers is one of my own brief but clear memories from another lifetime.

Some examples of the later block style of architecture include the following:

And many more around the globe. Once you familiarize yourself with what Atlantean architecture looked like, you will start to recognize it in other places as well.